Deklarasyon Misyon
Filozofi a nan "Sante Lakay" se gaye edikasyon sou enpòtans ki genyen Sante Piblik nan nan konferans, dra enfòmasyon done, ak sou entènèt videyo dirije nan lide ki fè konnen Prevansyon se Cure a pi byen. Nou plan sou rapò moute -a-dat pwoblèm sou Sante Piblik ak Preparasyon Ijans an Ayiti. Fondatè yo nan SANTE Lakay yo Mickenson Cherestal ak Mickendy Jean Baptiste, elèv yo medikal nan Campus Henry Christophe de l'Universite 'd'Etat d'Ayiti yon Limonad (CHC-UEHL). |
Mission Statement
The Philosophy of "Sante Lakay" is to spread education about the importance of Public Health through lectures, information data sheets, and on-line video directed at the idea that Prevention is the best Cure. We plan on reporting up -to-date issues on Public Health and Emergency Preparedness in Haiti. The founders of SANTE LAKAY are Mickenson Cherestal and Mickendy Jean Baptiste, medical students at Campus Henry Christophe de l'Universite' d'Etat d'Haiti a Limonade (CHC-UEHL). |